About The Country Wife Blog

Friday, November 20, 2020

Thursday Thoughts: Weight Loss Strategies

 Something has come to me very recently.  Dear One sometimes tells me that my middle name must be oblivious.  There is certainly a great deal of truth to that!  How some ever,  I think I have learned something about weight loss.  Finally.

This week has been completely hectic.  Part of it has been church work, part of it has been Christmas knitting, part of it has been test knitting. Part of it has been housework even!  Most days have been so busy I have had little time to sit down to eat.

Thought #1 about losing weight: Keep your hands and body busy all the time.  No time to cast about the kitchen looking for things to eat.

Thought #2 about losing weight: Get up in the morning and the very first thing you do, finish projects you should have finished yesterday or some time earlier in the week.  Such as sorting, folding, and putting away three loads of laundry that have been smiling at you for days.  There is nothing like getting a job done, doing it well, and then seeing empty spaces so you COULD take a nap if you wanted to.

Thought #3:about losing weight Have a plan for meals.  Actually execute that plan.  This way you are not casting about the kitchen (again!) for untoward amounts of time.

Thought #4: about getting healthy! Get rid of the Halloween leftover candy bags immediately.  Like...have someone come take it away.  Of course, being cheapskates, AND having a candy monster in the house, we have not done that.  So it is there tempting, tempting, tempting those who don't want to be tempted.

Thought #5:  This is probably one of the most important thoughts: DO NOT MAKE BREAD TWO DAYS IN A ROW NO MATTER WHO MIGHT NEED IT!  It is impossible to walk away from hot bread and a dish of butter.

For myself, my plan every day is to get up, weigh myself, check, my blood glucose, check my blood pressure, record all these things. (Doctors ALWAYS ask about all these numbers when I go, so...why not indulge them and keep track myself?!) After these things, I spend time reading in the scriptures then writing what I learned and what personal revelations may have come to me.  After that, I can get rolling on the day.  These are all good things.

On days when I follow these things with the activities above, real progress is made on many fronts.  I have recorded these thoughts for myself but also for anyone else who might benefit from them, and would welcome other "thoughts" to help us all gain good health and well-being.

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