About The Country Wife Blog

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Gardening Today!

 Some time ago a dear friend gave us some Mexican Petunia starts.  I did not get them planted immediately.  I did not even get them watered.  Having said that, the second day I set the bucket out in the front garden in case any rain might fall.  Well I guess Heavenly Father likes those little plants because the very evening I set the plants out the rain fell.

Now, finally, I have gone out to pull a few weeds along the side of the house and found a place for those Mexican Petunias.  I know absolutely that they will grow and thrive and take over that part of the border by the house!  I look forward to that.

Here they are!  In a few months they will be very happy I believe. 

The plan had been to plant them starting by the beautiful azalea plant another friend gave us years ago.  As I started pulling the pricker-y vines  near the azalea I nearly fell over into the weeds.  Dizzy for a moment.  So annoying.  Probably because I had not yet eaten.  Either way, I decided not to continue pulling weeds there and moved to a bit of virgin territory!  If not virgin, at least with many fewer prickers.  I did get a few out and put in the "Mex Pets" then returned to the house to find something to eat.

As it happens, there were dishes in the sink (you see a pattern here--lots of stuff left undone) so I washed them up.  Almost all of them!  The ones I did not wash were a couple of saucepans that needed a little more soaking before washing.  

Finally I was ready for food...and put some eggs on to hard boil and some cauliflower in the microwave to steam.  It is going to be a fun breakfast.  Not one Dear One will enjoy. I expect he will eat Honeynut Cheerios.  He really likes them.

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