About The Country Wife Blog

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Blueberry Plants

 Over the past five years we have planted blueberries four times. The first three years the plants did not make it through the summer.  Our fault entirely.  Did not know how to grow blueberries.  Got advice from many sources and tried again.  Last year we did a lot of work amending the soil and watering and fertilizing etc following the recommendations of the nursery where we bought them.  Last fall, same story:  nothing but sticks.  I decided not to yank up the dead plants just in case they miraculously resurrected.

Early this spring I went down to look at the spot where they had died.  Nothing.  Last month I went down again and found a few green leaves on two of the plants...of course it was the plants who no longer had their name tags on so I do not know what varieties they are...but there are green leaves.  Last week they still had a few green leaves but did not look like much.


Okay, they don't look like much but you can see there are green leaves.  I have renewed hope in raising blueberries right here!

Anyone with suggestions?  They are welcome.  I do know I should pull up all the dead grass...

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