About The Country Wife Blog

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Strange thing: The Ants!

 When I get out of the car sometimes the cable that goes to my phone inadvertently gets dropped on the ground and the car door shuts with the cable hanging outside.  Well, that happened today.

When I got back to the car I saw the cable lying on the ground as I came around the back. I kicked myself mentally for not checking four hours ago when I got out of the car. When I got up to the door I REALLY kicked myself! Because, you ask, well, the end of the cable was lying on a crack in the pavement and zillions of ants were crawling up and down the cable. In case you did not already know this: ants are very small and the little space between the cable and the door was enough to let them move inside the car!!!

What did I do? The first thing was I pulled my skirt up high so as not to get ants crawling on me immediately then reached inside the car and I unplugged the cable from the USB port and laid the cable across the shrubs beside the car then started pulling it through to try to strip off the ants. Only a little successful.

There was a roll of paper towels in the trunk so I pulled one off and wiped down the cable. Did not kill the ants but got them off that cable.

It turns out there were many ants inside the car!  I got out the spray bottle of glass cleaner from the same box in the trunk and sprayed the heck out of the floor and mat on the driver’s side.  They were still moving!  SO…I took a handful of paper towels and scrubbed along the floor.  I expect there are still living moving ants in the car but I had to sit down, since I used up all my energy walking off my lunch at nearly 90 degrees…just before returning to the any fiasco.

Now I am sitting in the driver’s seat with my skirt up above my knees hoping the combination of efforts will have discouraged the ants enough to leave me alone.

If you look closely you can see one ant about in the middle of the photo. It would have been much more impressive if I had snapped the picture while the cable was still connected to the car and the army was running in and out of the car.  Hopefully there will not be a ‘next time’ but if so, I will get a shot of them at that point.

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