About The Country Wife Blog

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Wednesday Works in Progress

 Among my favorite social media there are people who post their Wednesday WIPS (Works in Progress).  Some are knitting projects.  Some are crochet projects. Some are weaving projects.  Today I am going to share a housecleaning WIP.  Because I have no shame.  AND because I appreciate all the kind people who urge me onward in doing good works...!

My sister was here for a few hours over the weekend.  I had done a good deal of hoeing out/cleaning/organizing but almost exclusively so she would have a nice clean bed to sleep in and a place to unload her luggage.  That was really the extent of what I did.  The guest room was previously  really a very useful staging area for organizing but not very useful for sleeping earlier last week.  I did get the aforementioned items taken care of. (Many bins of yarn and other projects found new homes.  At least temporarily!)

When she was walking in the front door into our dining room she noted that "you have a lot more stuff than the last time we were here..."  She did say it nicely but I did grasp her meaning.  And she was right.  The table was entirely full of Ashford E-Spinner, Battery pack, Fiber basket, many strips prepared for making a quilt that has been in the works for decades (yes!), plus other partial projects as well as salt, pepper, Old Bay Seasoning, and placemats and napkins.  Since it was Fast Sunday weekend we were not going to sit down at the table for food so I did not worry about that part of the job.

On Monday morning as I was lying in bed in that stage between sleeping and waking I had the idea that now was the time to actually get the house emptied and organized so when the day comes that someone needs to clean up after my passing  they will not be cursing my bad housekeeping skills quietly to themselves or out loud so I can be humiliated as I am watching and listening from the Spirit World.

SO... I started.  It does not look like much but it is a start.

The left end of the table,  that which you see first when you enter the house, is now almost empty.  Since the photo was taken, the paper bag in the chair has gone to that happy recycling bin in the sky...or at least, the trash men cameth and took it away.  Along with the rest of the trash.  Sadly, our town does not to household recycling pick up any more.

So, each day I will do a little more emptying and organizing and maybe the next time my sister comes it will not be so horrifying to her.  I can say that her house is always immaculate when we visit.  AND I expect it is that way most of the time.

As I type I just heard our friendly alligator in the pond.  I guess the electric storm woke him up...

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