About The Country Wife Blog

Friday, June 14, 2024

Friday Fiber Tales!

 After spinning last week at the Revolutionary War Park in Camden, I took up the challenge to spin more regularly.

About half of the singles on this bobbin was spun today:

If you enlarge the photo so you can see better, you will see that I am currently a pitiful spinner.  Even so, I am having a good time and am learning lots.  This is the fiber I purchased at Hobby Lobby,  some a month or more ago and some on Monday when they were having their clearance sale.  I am kicking myself as I write this because I was there at the store again today and failed to check if they had marked down any more of their wool.  Oh well. I do have enough.

So, one thing I think I learned is that I need to treat this fiber the way experienced knitters treat their beautiful expensive fiber braids.

Here is this photo you can see the little fiber nests I made today.  I pulled apart the fiber vertically to make these nests.  This way there is way less likelihood of me making big globs of fiber in the singles.  Less likelihood, but not a certainty!!

You can also see that, despite my best intentions, the hoe out/clean out job is progressing VERY slowly.  

Back to the fiber/yarn:  my plan is to fill this colored bobbin entirely then ply it with a bobbin of white fiber I prepared back in the old days in Vermont when a kind farmer in Thetford Center offered the fleeces from his shearing one year.  I accepted, skirted, scoured, and sent the fleece to Sallie's Fen in Barrington, NH for her to turn it into roving.  That roving is beautiful and spins like a dream.  I have a completely fully bobbin ready for plying.

What will you do with that two-ply yarn you ask?  Well, I do have a plan.  Andrea Mowry has a lot of Traveler patterns.  I plan to knit her Traveler Shawl with this yarn.  I need at least 1000 yards.  I will almost certainly need more than two bobbins of colored singles.  News breaks as they occur!

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