About The Country Wife Blog

Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Lost Is Found..

About three weeks ago the yarn arrived from The Woolly Thistle to knit the Icelandic sweater for Dear One.  I had knitted up gauge swatch hats to see how the lopi yarn worked up.  Now the yarn was on the premises and I started knitting the sleeves like a crazy person.  When they were completed I immediately started on the body.  Last weekend I was up to 11 inches plus on the body...11 inches out of 20 inches required.  Since I have never knit one of these sweaters before I decided to use the measurements suggested in the sort of pattern I am using.

Well, I am using a pattern from the book called The Lopapeysa Sweater--the Everywhere Sweater except I am making my own colorwork design. Not my design, but the design Dear One asked me to make.  He even found the name of the designer of the sweater he wanted so I could ask her if I could purchase the pattern.  She said no:  it was traditional Icelandic design,  the pattern was in Icelandic, and furthermore, she did not have authority to sell it to me...so I decided I was smart enough to make it work on my own.  We shall see.  That is why I knitted up the swatches to see how many zigs and zags I needed.

Anyway,  over the past weekend I worked some more on the design and found I needed a multiple of 11 stitches and then 10 stitches.  Such great news.  The 10-stitch zigzags will be in the back and hopefully not noticeably different from the front.

SO...on Sunday I decided I was going to give the sweater knitting my all and get to the colorwork by the end of this week.  On Monday I had some appointments and took the sweater with me so that I could knit during the down time.  It turns out the doctors were very efficient and there was no down time at all so no knitting.  

When I finished up all the errands out hat day and got home there were several bags to be dragged into the house.  I left the sweater in the car and decided to bring it in the next trip.  There was no next trip.  On Wednesday when we returned from the temple, I asked Dear One if he had brought in the sweater because it was not on the back seat.  He said, "Sweater?"  Later I was speaking with our daughter and told her it was probably in the trunk since clearly it was not on the back seat.  This morning I went down to look in the trunk.  IT WAS NOT THERE!  My stomach lurched significantly.  I could not imagine someone had gotten into the car and snatched the knitting bag but what else could have happened.  I was just sick.  The yarn cost a LOT of money.  Not as much as if we had had an Icelandic lady knit it for us but still, it was a significant noticeable purchase on our credit card.  PLUS I had put a lot of hours into the knitting.

When I dragged my distraught self into the house through the garage instead of through the front door, for some reason I stopped just inside the garage door.  There, hanging from my blue ancient platform rocker, was the knitting bag.  With the sweater in it.  You may be sure I said a prayer of gratitude to Heavenly Father for taking caring of the bag.

The back of this bag from The Woolly Thistle--which, by the way, is going to open a storefront sometime in July in West Lebanon--says "All knitting is good knitting!"  I think that is true.

So the lost is found and tomorrow I will get knitting again, breathing many happy signs of relief and gratitude.  From this story you may begin to worry about your friend's mental capacities, but may I just encourage you to not worry.  When I get overtired I tend to forget that I have done things.  This is just a small insignificant example.

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