About The Country Wife Blog

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Handwork: Refugee Quilt

The ladies at our church have a Relief Society.  In about a month we are having a get-together with lots of women from the nearby refugee community.  These ladies have been invited for a morning of fellowship, friend-making, and quilt-tying. Each of the church congregations are asked to bring four or five quilts all ready to tie, and with the bindings already finished.  The idea is to send every refugee lady home with a couch-sized quilt.

A friend had given me several baby-sized quilt tops.  I wanted to turn them into larger quilts.  A second friend did the mathematical figuring for me and cut the fabric at the quilt fabric shop where she works.  This afternoon I worked for about three hours stitching together the additional fabric in a pleasing pattern that turned the small quilt top into a much larger quilt top.  To boot it looks really nice.

Now the mathematical genius will turn the top into an actual quilt!  Already more than three people have contributed to this one quilt.  Good deal!

It will be enjoyable to spend the morning getting to know these refugee sisters and sharing the time finishing quilts that they can take home and use.


  1. So neat! It looks beautiful. What a great activity. Wish I could be there! Love you! Xoxo

  2. Thanks! I wish you could be here, too!


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