About The Country Wife Blog

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Plant Miracle!

It is a well-known fact (among a small group of family members...), that I am a serial plant killer.  I LOVE plants.  They make me so happy.  I cannot keep them alive for long, though.  When Elder and Sister J returned home from their mission they brought over their lovely ivy plant for me to take care of until the new missionaries arrived in April to take over the J's apartment.  This made me very nervous.  Unbelievably worried, in fact.  After all, I kill plant.  Even plants I particularly love.

Every Sunday morning I have poured half a bottle of filtered water over this plant as it has sat on our dining room table.  It has only lost two leaves since early December.  Today I decided to move it to a new location.  (After all, it was time to put away the fake poinsettia plant, I think, which had been in that location...plus we have company coming to share a bowl of popcorn with us tonight...).

Here is the plant!  Alive and pretty much well, as far as I can tell.  This makes me happy. I hope Elder and Sister T will like the plant.  Either way, come the middle of April, someone else will have the opportunity to help this plant live or die!

1 comment:

  1. We would make a great team Patty because I am famous for killing plants. My Mom always told me that I am the only person she knows who could kill air fern.


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