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Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Tuesday Troubles: Some Days...

Today was one of those days.  I had informed Dear One that I thought we had our eating all wrong.  Instead of eating next to nothing for breakfast, a larger lunch, and a big supper, I told him we should turn it totally around and have our real meals at breakfast and lunch and let supper go.

So, for breakfast today I made him a nice big fat waffle and a plate of pan fries. Not at all nutritious but food he loves. For myself I made a small bowl of lovely leftover chili which was really good.  Well, it would have been good except when I brought it out of the microwave, even though I had pot holders in both hands, the bowl slipped out of my grasp, crashed to the kitchen floor, smashed, and spread the chili in a pretty good mess.

Fortunately there was more in the refrigerator so I warmed up another bowl and this time I chopped a small avocado and put that on top of the chili.  I put my next-to-favorite spoon in the bowl since I could not locate my favorite spoon, and when I turned towards the table, the spoon and avocado fell out of the bowl onto the floor and gave me ANOTHER mess to clean up!

Fortunately it was only the avocado that spilled, not the new chili,  and I had a nice breakfast.

A little later I went to the laundry closet  where I thought I had been soaking some whites in Oxyclean for Whites.  Even though I had put water in the whites originally, there seemed to be no water in the washer so I turned it on to fill while I took my shower.  I am a fast person in the shower (after 7 people to get through showers before school back in the old log cabin days you learn to be fast.  At least, I did...) but when I got out of the shower I heard the washer agitating.  I rushed out to the laundry closet in my towel to lift the cover so the clothes could actually soak in water. Couldn't because the lid was locked so I pressed the button to stop the agitating and lift the cover while the clothes soak.  Nope.  When I pressed the button, all the water drained out of the washer and there was nothing I could do.

Three strikes today. You would think that was enough but there was MORE!!

After ward conference where our Bishop encouraged us not to fritter away our valuable time on things that were not of true worth, I decided to do a bit of picking up and organizing our dining area.  I had thought about moving the paper shredder to live beside the patiently-waiting-for-summer air conditioner so I could use that spot for something else.  So...I put the thought into action.

This was a good idea.  EXCEPT that when I lifted the shredder, the top came off, fell to the floor, and tipped over the shredding bucket which was full of shreds.  Now the shreds were on the floor and as I stepped over the shreds to pick up the shredder itself, instead of stepping over the shreds I managed to kick them so there were little tiny paper shreds everywhere!  I considered, for about two seconds, enlisting the aid of Dear One to clean up that mess, but since I had not asked him to clean up the previous messes I thought he would appreciate a whole day not having to take care of my foolishness.

Off to the hall closet for the vacuum cleaner.  You may gasp at this, but I have not done any vacuuming in this apartment.  Dear One has done all of it.  It was a bit of a comedy of errors because that machine was totally new to me.  I stepped on both of the gray step-buttons.  Nothing happened.  I pressed the red button on the back. Nothing happened.  Finally I asked Dear One if the cleaner was battery powered.  He looked at me, then said, "Yes."  OK, then how did you turn it on?  I could NOT figure it out.

After a few moments he got up from the couch still smiling, came over the vacuum cleaner and pulled out the cord.  Duh!  Oh well.  So I started vacuuming up all the little paper pieces.  All of a sudden my long acetate and spandex skirt was caught the the roller.  That was it.  I extricated the skirt, fortunately without tearing it,  put away the cord after a laughing bit of help from Dear One, and promised the vacuuming was back in his court from how on.

And that was my day.

The good thing about the day was that I made some efforts with our genealogy which made me happy and cleaned the bad taste out of my mouth from my little peccadillos. 

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