About The Country Wife Blog

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Another Busy Morning: Organizing This Time

Are you able to make a plan to get organizing and just go for it?  Well, I am able to do that sometimes.  Lately organization has taken a back seat to getting things done that were pressing.  Or seemed pressing at the time.

This morning I was souped up about making Christmas cards.  Before we left the mission in Portland I went to Dick Blick's Art Store.  While there I found a masking fluid pen.  That really caught my interest and I instantly grabbed it and put it in my small shopping basket...small because much of the great stuff at Blick's is more costly than I would like.  So, I purchased it.  And brought it home.  Well, sent it home. Then put it on the truck to come south.  I thought it was with my art things.

This morning the need for that masking fluid pen came to the top of my list of things to do NOW.  So I started going through boxes and bins in the workroom.  This time, instead of just pawing through things, I made new homes for a mammoth amount of stuff...and tossed some things that did not make the trip to Vermont and then to South Carolina in very good shape.

At one point Dear One looked in on me (perhaps he was thinking we ought to have breakfast sometime before 11 AM, which was the time he looked in) and asked what I was doing.  He did not actually say, "Looking for something?"  but I know that was in his heart.  This is not a new thing: something is missing and I go crazy until I find it.  Finally, around 11:30, I finished all but one of the containers, which, from the top view, seems to have yarn and fabric in it.  Since the frisket pen did not turn up, I went to our best friend, Amazon, and placed an order. It should be here on Saturday.

Actually, as I just turned around in my chair to look at the shelving unit, I realize I am not as lily white as I stated above:  there is the bin of mission things still needing to be installed in my mission journal, a bin of thread and other sewing things, and two smallish bins of wool yarn and knitting needles.  It is possible that the small frisket pen is in one of those, though I don't know why it would be.

Something I did NOT find which I was also looking for:  the big slug of Butterick, Simplicity, McCalls, and Vogue dressmaking and crafting patterns I thought I had brought south. I must have given them away.  Oh, well.  I can always re-buy, except with the closest Joann store an hour away in each direction, it is not too convenient.

Maybe we can go over to the Cayce Joann after the temple in two weeks.  Assuming I allow myself the luxury of that pattern purchase.  I have decided I need a new temple bag.  I want to make one of a pretty quilted fabric that has a zipper that zips all the way from bottom to bottom and which is in a zipper tape at least 8 inches wide.  When we were at Joann the last time, I did look at patterns.  There is not a pattern for exactly what I want so the chances of making a nice temple bag is not very likely to happen.  I have not seen what I want already made up.  And I am probably too cheap to buy it if i do find it because "I can always make one".

Even with all this work, and even more chitter-chatter, I am not ready to post a picture of the workroom.  It really is still in no kind of shape, though there is much more floor space than there was.  Some day!

PS . We did eat breakfast a little after noon...French fries in the air fryer and chocolate chip cookie pieces...and the last of the Thanksgiving leftovers.

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