About The Country Wife Blog

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Knitting Project: Antimacassars!

 This summer was so hot, and I came in such a sweat hog after being outside so many  that I felt the need to make some antimacassars to protect the loveseat headrests and armrests where I often come to drop down and recover.  This is the project so far:

You can see three of the four completed (though not yet blocked) antimacassars that I have knit.  It has taken a long time because I frequently became distracted by other knitting projects but this past week I decided that enough was enough on the other projects and knit my little fingers to the bone.  Seriously!  Tonight when I came upstairs to the man cave/entertainment room and switched on the light, it took two tries because the joints in the hand really screamed at me.

So there are head rests and arm rests already completed and I have now hatched out the idea of making a square to go over the lift cover in the middle of the love seat.  We shall see.  At least two projects are now shouting at me that it is their turn to come to the top of the list!

One of the items that is calling out to me is the newest Arne and Carlos Butterfly square.  It is 39 stitches by 39 rows.  That does not sound too bad, does it?!  This is the second in their new series of free patterns for squares to use however we want.  I thought briefly of making double-sided squares but have not yet convinced myself that is a great idea...! 

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