About The Country Wife Blog

Friday, April 20, 2018

Food Friday: Quick and Easy Best Hot Oatmeal Ever

Sometimes when you are researching something you need to know, other things catch your eye that you should really stop everything and review.  This is such a case.

This really is Quick and Easy!  And so good for you.  And it even tastes good.  This morning I was looking at ways to improve health through food.  Diet-food-health-they should go together, right?  So that is what I was researching.  Yet again trying to make changes for the better. I saw many testimonials by medical scientists indicating that if we just added oatmeal to our diets every day so many health improvements would take place.  Okay. I believe it.  And there, just below all those other presentations was an advertisement for the best oatmeal ever.  Maybe yes, maybe no, but it was worth trying.

This is the trick that makes this so good:  find a 2-cup storage container that has a lid. Add all the ingredients to it.  Put on the cover and shake then set aside until you want to use it...at home, in the office, on the job, in an airplane--any place you can get boiling water.

The mixture:

1/2 cup old-fashioned rolled oats
a handful of dried fruit like raisins, cranberries, whatever you like
1 Tablespoon ground flax meal or chia seeds
1 Tablespoon or less  brown sugar
1-2 Tablespoons chopped nuts or seeds (more if you are not using the flax or chia)
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

Put on the cover and shake well.

Boil water.  Fifteen to twenty minutes before you want to eat the oatmeal pour the hot water over it.  I put about 1 cup onto the oatmeal, covered tightly, then, holding the cover on with both hands, gave it a shake or two then set on the table with a spoon so we could eat it when we were ready.

This was our first bowl.  It was good.  We did not pour on any milk and it was still lovely.

Works like a charm!  So good.  And if a bowl of oatmeal can repair a fatty liver, diabetes, bad sleep, what have you, then it is an easy pill to swallow.

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