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Thursday, May 24, 2018

Life is Fleeting

Thank you for reading these posts.  It makes me happy to know that you are there.  I love you all for the support you give us by your thoughts and prayers and comments.  It is a huge blessing to me and to us.

A short story today:  we have been visiting a wonderful family in our ward.  We stopped in to drop off a Mother's Day card and found that Sister D was in the hospital for a blood transfusion.  This was surprising.  Brother D said she was going to be fine, just that she was very anemic for some reason.  We thought about her and prayed for her during the week.

This weekend we stopped in after Church.  She met us at the door and invited us in.  When we had seated ourselves she told us that on Monday morning, the day after Mother's Day, while she was in the hospital preparing to be picked up, Brother D had died.  What a shock!  To everyone.  It turns out that for some time he had been taking two types of insulin.  He had a blood sugar incident and needed insulin.  This time he had made a mistake on the one he took.  He had time enough to write a little note to tell Sister D about it before he slipped into a coma, and subsequently died.  A shock to all.

There are so many messages one can take away from this tragedy.  Probably the most important one is that we need to make each day count.  We do not know what day will be our last day in mortality.

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