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Monday, March 4, 2019

Munchie Monday: Carrot Ginger Soup, more or less

Carrots are supposed to be good for you.   Lots of reasons why.  So, when I found a recipe for Carrot Ginger Soup I was thinking of the wonderful Butternut Squash Soup that our dear friend has made for us.  That soup is so luscious and smooth and just plain delicious.  This carrot soup looks sort of like that soup, but it does not taste like that soup.  At all. Sadly.  Surprising, really.  So I made a few changes.

Carrot Ginger Soup

5 cups vegetable broth (the original recipe called for 4 cups, but I had five cups in the jar and did not want to leave a lonely cup in there by itself)
10 large carrots, cut into chunks (since we had several that were becoming rather limp, I thought this was a good use for them so I put them all in.  The original recipe called for 6-10 large carrots>)
1 large sweet onion, diced rather large . (This one was a Mayan Sweet, I think.  Love those.)
1 1/2 inch of ginger, minced (This made a little over 1 Tablespoon of grated ginger for which I used the little Ninja Express my sister sent me.  Such a great piece of equipment!  I am so grateful for it. Use it all the time. ALL the time!)
2-3 teaspoons avocado oil
Salt and Pepper, granulated garlic, granulated onion, and Kirkland No-Salt Seasoning to taste
Plus cooked black beans in individual bowls, if you wish.

Sauté the onions in the oil for about 3 minutes, or more, until translucent.

Add the carrots and stir occasionally.  They will need to cook at least 10 minutes and maybe 15-20 until the carrots are mostly tender.

Add the broth and seasonings, and cook further until you are certain the carrots are soft.  Remove from heat and, using an immersion blender, turn the soup into a lovely soft purée.

Serve with chopped chives or scallions on top, and as I did, add a few tablespoons of black beans to up the protein content.

This soup was really rather good.  The next day I took it cold out of the refrigerator and put a couple of servings in the Vita-mix and blended it further.  It did have the nice smooth texture of the Butternut Squash soup after blending, but not the taste. I should have known.  That is why I added all the ingredients in the seasoning list beyond the salt and pepper above.  It really was rather bland before adding them. I actually added more to my mug afterwards...

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