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Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Book I Just Read

On Saturday I was loaned a book by Joel Fuhrman, MD called "The End of Diabetes".  I found that it was available as an audio book on Libby (Do you know Libby?  It is a cousin of Overdrive.  Both of these are free apps which have both audio and ebooks.  Thousands of books are available both in text versions and audio books.  I like to "read" when doing other things like housework, walking, etc when a book in hand is less than optimal...so I go to Libby a lot. To get Libby or Overdrive just go to your library's website and sign up with your library card number.  If you don't have a library card, well, I can't imagine anyone does not have a library card.  When we go to a new place that is the first thing I do.  Some libraries are kind enough that if you are going to visit a son and his family for several weeks they let you have a card anyway.  Kind librarians.).

Anyway, I went to Libby and found "The End of Diabetes" but only the text copy was available so I checked out "The End of Heart Disease" since I figured it would have much of the same information.  I finished reading it last night while knitting in the middle of the night.

GET THIS BOOK from your library!  The End of Heart Disease is worth listening to and paying attention to.  Dr. Fuhrman says many chronic bad conditions can be reversed if we are willing to follow a "nutritarian" diet, meaning eating lots of green vegetables, other vegetables, some fruits depending on your current health condition, beans, nuts, seeds.  He even gives you a weekly plan and recipes to support it.  The only glitch is you have to avoid consuming animal products and salt, oil, and sugar. That seems a small price to pay for feeling good in a relatively short time.  We just have to get our heads around this, and then be strong.  It is hard to be with family and friends who want to eat "all that good stuff" that we previously ate, but which put us in our bad health situations.  I remember Bill Fixx who was a marathoner who ate the standard American diet and had a fatal heart attack while running.  It turned out on autopsy that even though he seems like he was in the peak of health, his heart arteries were almost totally closed up which only happens because of diet.  It was scary at the time many years ago but even more scary now...to learn that our diet is killing us.

For me, this kind of regimen should not be too difficult as my head already agrees with this kind of eating.  I have been doing a LOT of walking plus recently adding weight machines at the YMCA and my weight is not moving in the right direction as fast as I would like.  It just goes to show that what I am putting in my mouth, even though mostly vegetables, is overcoming any possible weight-losing benefit from the moving.  Sad.  Irritating.  So...I am going to eat like this more rigidly than I have in the past.

Since I believe what Dr. Furhman says (that the standard American diet with frequent trips to fast food and other restaurants will kill us), and since I don't want to lose any family or friends from early death that could have been prevented,  I am sending this out.  I hope you will read the book, ingest the science, and make whatever changes you find necessary to gain good health.  I think you can read either of these books or even his "The End of Dieting" to get the needed information, but the dieting one seems a little more lightweight...

While I am waiting for "The End of Diabetes" to become available on Libby's audio book selections, I am reading "The End of Dieting".  Are you seeing a trend here?!  (BUT whenever I sit down on the couch, I do pick up the physical copy...)

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