About The Country Wife Blog

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

We Have A Creepy Neighbor!! Really!

Today I was walking by the sliding door to the back porch and saw something pop up out of the pond.  What the heck was that?!!  There it was again.  And again.  And AGAIN!!  I rushed to get my camera and started video-ing the thing.

"It" stuck e up out of the pond about 1-2 feet, seemed to look around, then dropped back down into the pond and moved over a few feet and came up again.  By the time I got out on the deck, our neighbor lady two doors down screeched out, "What IS that thing?!"  "What is it?"  Her husband and the neighbor four doors down were also there looking at it.

It was probably out there for 10 or 15 minutes, moving all around.  I sort of got a video of it.  It is actually very creepy to report that it is some kind of snake.  Just yesterday I put in our square foot garden down near the pond...!!  Not very near but now I am wondering about the brilliance of putting in a garden down there.

No, I don't know what kind of snake. It was dark colored, I think.  I am really creeped out.  I think I would rather have seen the alligator.

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