About The Country Wife Blog

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Small Disaster Averted

We had an empty wall in our bedroom.  It seemed like a great idea to get a writing desk/study table to put there.  Dear One found a beautiful table that matched the bookcase he got for us last month.  Because the table was pretty heavy (it is rubber wood/parawood which is made from dense trees that have already lived out their life as rubber trees so the wood is then used as lumber rather than being burned up) I placed it on our stair lift and sent it upstairs.  All was well until the chair got to the very top when somehow the table top fell off onto the floor and was damaged.

This made me very very sad.  Almost sick to my stomach.  However!  Dear One thought he could glue and clamp it and make it happy again.  I had some hope that this would work.

Here is the table being clamped.  I thought we should let it set up overnight.  Dear One thought thirty minutes would be fine...but was willing to leave the clamps on for another little while to appease me...!

After taking the clamps off the table Dear One got out some fine grit sandpaper and finished the job.  Now the table looks as good as new.  I am so happy with it.

Dear One is concerned that  being a flat surface, it will almost certainly fill up with stuff.  I am committed to work at the table then put away whatever I was studying or working on.  I hope I can keep that commitment.  In the past my track record has been rather poor...and actually, the present is not much better.  We shall see.

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