About The Country Wife Blog

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Interesting Project!

My sister and I had a wonderful time together. We filled every possible moment while she and her husband were visiting.  She had come with some projects on her mind to do.  One of them involved the sewing machine.

One of her grandsons turned one year old this week.  He had been sitting in a car seat with a pink cover.  She wanted him to have a more boyish cover.  So...we made that new cover!  It turned out!!

We worked together planning, measuring, measuring and planning again, then at least one more time.  Finally we cut.  There were so many things to think about...but look at that cover!  It was constructed in two pieces.  Notice that the anchors are all pointing in the same direction.  

This project was somewhat taxing for the sewing machine but we did it!  Just like Dora the Explorer...we DID it!!  So exciting, and when she got home she found that it worked perfectly.

Probably the smartest thing about this was the jersey fabric she got to cover the seat.  Woven fabric would have been a serious nightmare.

We are both really happy with how this turned out.  Having said that, we are NOT going into business to make these.  This was a once-in-a-lifetime project.  Thank you very much.

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