About The Country Wife Blog

Monday, July 2, 2018

Munchie Monday: Vietnamese Salad Rolls

For the office potluck this time I made Vietnamese Salad Rolls, basically the same thing as spring rolls.  So yummy. Especially with peanut sauce!

Use rice paper wraps that you dip in water for a few seconds to soften them up.  Place a variety of vegetables that have been julienned on the bottom third then roll them up.  So easy.  So good to eat.  Everyone likes them. Well, except for you-know-who.  I ate his portion...

At this point I was getting down to the bottom of the barrel, vegetables-wise.  I made 32 of them.  Many were eaten at the potluck.  You cannot go wrong dipping them in the spicy peanut sauce!

The few that were left over we took home. I put one in a bowl, chopped it up, and used the seaweed snacks to pick up a bite and chomped it right down. SO GOOD!  Try it.  You will like it.

PS. If it looks like that is a dill pickle stick, you are right: it is.  Amazingly good.

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