This is all sounding very familiar as if I had said it before in this blog. Well, then, let's get on to something new!
This morning I have been working in The Book of Mormon. I started (today) in 1 Nephi chapter 8. My method was to copy the whole chapter in Spanish into a table format on my computer then I added a second column to the right for notes. This is what it looks like:
Capítulo 8
ve una visión del árbol de la vida — Come de su fruto y desea que su
familia haga lo mismo — Ve una barra de hierro, un sendero estrecho y
angosto y el vapor de tinieblas que envuelve a los hombres — Saríah,
Nefi y Sam comen del fruto, pero Lamán y Lemuel no quieren hacerlo.
Aproximadamente 600–592 a.C.
Ve—present indicative ver-to see
He sees
Come-present indicative
comer- to eat -He eats
Desea- present
indicative Desear to want-He wants
Haga- present tense
Hacer- to have He does in this case
Ve—present indicative
ver- to see He sees
Envuelve—present indicative
envolver to wrap up, envelop—It envelops
Comen—present indicative
mer-to eat, They eat
No Quieren—present indicative
querer to want—They want in this case-they don’t want
Hacerlo--to do it
1 Y aconteció que
habíamos recogido toda suerte de semillas de toda especie, tanto de granos de
todas clases, como de todo género de frutas.
Y aconteció que-and it came to pass that
Habíamos—haber to have—We had
2 Y sucedió que mientras
mi padre estaba en el desierto, nos habló, diciendo: He aquí, he soñado un
sueño o, en otras palabras, he visto una visión.
Y sucedió que-and it came to pass
Estaba- he was
Nos habló—he talked to us
He aquí—Behold!
He soñado—I have dreamed
He visto-I have seen
As you can see, I was much more detailed in the heading part, inserting the verb tenses. Well, that did not last, though it really needs to continue. I spent almost an hour just doing this small amount of work. When I got to what I thought was a verb, I typed it into the right column then went to the internet for the forms I did not know. Which was most of them!
I have the internet but also my various Spanish study aids. When I was at the office the computer translated into English directly. That was great. I cannot figure that out on my Mac. I must try harder I guess.
Anyway, the assignment from our coach is to speak with two different people in church this week. Yikes! That is somewhat scary. After the meeting with her, I had a dream that I was speaking with a little boy in the hallway. Several other times conversations ran through my mind, and maybe they were good-is, but I was also sleeping and did not wake up and write them down. I remember "having" those conversations. I just don't remember what they were. Rats! Now I will just have to wing it. We shall see.
One of the major things I have learned this last three weeks is that the old gray cells are not what they used to be! However, this classwork is a gift from God and I plan to use it to the best that I can. During the class with Hermano B. I was able to say things that I did not know where they came from. He was so kind about it and said I did great. People are really kind for the most part, is all that I can say. Adiós.
Anyway, the assignment from our coach is to speak with two different people in church this week. Yikes! That is somewhat scary. After the meeting with her, I had a dream that I was speaking with a little boy in the hallway. Several other times conversations ran through my mind, and maybe they were good-is, but I was also sleeping and did not wake up and write them down. I remember "having" those conversations. I just don't remember what they were. Rats! Now I will just have to wing it. We shall see.
One of the major things I have learned this last three weeks is that the old gray cells are not what they used to be! However, this classwork is a gift from God and I plan to use it to the best that I can. During the class with Hermano B. I was able to say things that I did not know where they came from. He was so kind about it and said I did great. People are really kind for the most part, is all that I can say. Adiós.
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